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We believe in growing to change!

Besides the obvious reasons (which many are not even aware of), we moved from a CC (Close Corporation) to a Pty (LTD) (Proprietary Limited).

For many, this may seem like a mundane and generally obvious move, but it was quite a monumental growth move for us.

While the benefits of moving from CC to Pty (LTD) were good – the growing to change benefits were:

  • As a Pty (LTD) is seen as a separate juristic person, it meant our shareholders had limited liability when it came to the company’s debt – great news!
  • No limitation on how many shareholders we could have – great growth move right there!
  • Obtaining funding became easier as we could essentially barter our company’s equity as surety – good options!
  • Matters pertaining to management, governance, and control are all laid out in the memorandum of incorporation.  This is important when there is more than one shareholder. All the shareholder’s rights, duties, exit strategies, and funding obligations are carved out and clearly defined – no confusion or fights here!
  • A private company need not have independent reviews and can employ internal accounting staff – a significant time and cost factor, in fact!

Okay, so now we have given you a brief lesson on why moving over to a Pty (LTD) is a good idea for factual reasons alone; here is why it has been a more significant growth factor outside of that.


Why we moved over to a Pty (LTD)

For us, it speaks volumes about our growth and willingness to change, even after almost two decades in business.  It is very easy to get stuck in one’s ways. To do just what you did last year and the year before that because it worked.  That cliché?  “Don’t fix what ain’t broken”.  Well, nothing was broken here at Complete IT Business Solutions, but it certainly needed a little maintenance and revamping.

Our growth potential has increased phenomenally. We have more options. We are more attractive to possible investors, suppliers, and of course, to our customers.

This business format’s structure has proven an eyeopener for us.  We do feel more in control, ready to take on more challenges, larger clients, and bigger projects.

A simple and progressive move? Yes! A growth and change-ready mindset? Most definitely!

For more about what we are about and what services we offer, do reach out to us by heading on over to our about and services pages or simply giving us a call on +27 21 556 3524.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Complete IT Business Solutions family.



Putting your client or customer first seems like a no-brainer, and there is no doubt that it is a key to business success. One of the main advantages of a client-centric business approach is that it builds lifetime value and client loyalty. And this in return, will improve business growth.

So, what exactly is a client-focused way of doing business? It provides a positive experience for the client before and after the sale/service has happened in order to create repeat businesses and boost client loyalty.

Our client-centric best practices

Often it is easy to see if a business is client-centric in areas like marketing, customer service, and product development. Let’s take a look at examples of how Complete IT Business Solutions runs a client-focused business:


We focus our product and service development on meeting our clients’ needs. We don’t necessarily believe our clients should look at updating their products and services or improving on things that are working well.


We listen to our clients and take note of what they are happy with and what they want to improve on. With this in mind we are able to configure products and services to their liking – from processes to user interfaces.

It is becoming more and more challenging to acquire new clients, so we believe it makes the most sense to invest in our existing clients. By being client-centric, we understand why clients stay, and what makes them leave. This knowledge will help our business to keep growing and unlock the potential of customer value.

The Complete IT Business Solutions’ foundational vision

The foundation of Complete IT Business Solutions’ vision is a client-focused business approach. We strive to remain highly competitive in the information technology sector by forging collaborative relationships with our clients and suppliers. With our innovative mindsets, we aim to offer value beyond the required bottom line.

If you feel frustrated or perhaps don’t understand your IT infrastructure, Complete IT Business Solutions offer a client-centric approach. Instead of providing a one-size-fits-all solution, we create solutions that fit your unique needs and requirements.

We continuously use a logic-based and structured process.  We take the time to understand why we are doing something, as we know that this builds trust with our clients.

For a free systems audit, give our team a call on 021 556 3524 or visit our website for more information.

Email Us or phone on +27 21 556 3524.

And, please do follow us as well as keep up to date with other news.

holistic IT solution

Being a business owner in these trying times can be stressful. Not only do you need to ensure your company has what it takes to succeed, but you need to be inventive and forward-thinking. Enough to manage global pandemics now too. A holistic IT solution is required.


A Holistic IT Solution

One business methodology that is very popular at the moment is having a ‘holistic business approach’. Basically, this means that one must consider the entire business in all its processes and policies.  It’s easy to only focus on one specific component at a time. A holistic approach is one way to make sure your company is running at its full potential. So, by focusing on all areas of your business, you will have a strong company.  Rather than having strong areas within your business. Makes sense, right?

This is how Complete IT Business Solutions practices. At the core, what we offer is IT support to all major centres nationally.  How we do it is interesting. When we go into a discovery consultation with a new client, we look at the business holistically. Because, as business owners ourselves, we also ‘get’ business.

Our owner, Anthony Lai Lam, says, “Our holistic business approach and relationship-building makes our business unique. We are open-minded and have a strong understanding of business, always looking to create the ideal environment for our clients.”

Having an understanding of the entire business and how it operates is what guides Complete IT Business Solutions in coming up with the best holistic IT solution for each company we work for. It just doesn’t make sense to consider only one portion of a whole. “We often discuss and work through business problems with our clients.  This allows us to be able to create IT business solutions together.”

Another aspect to Complete IT Business Solutions’ business strategy is developing and helping people reach their potential. Why this is so beneficial is that it produces a knowledgeable and productive team. And, the end product of such a well-developed team is that they are good at creating holistic IT solutions. They can see the whole and the bigger picture.

holistic IT solution

How can we help you?

If you are feeling frustrated or perhaps don’t understand your IT infrastructure, Complete IT Business Solutions can help. We are good at sorting out the mess, and we always charge for precisely what is due. A continuously logic-based and structured process is what we believe everything business needs.  A business has a start, middle and end.  We take the time to understand why we are doing something, as this builds trust.

To engage and find out how our holistic IT solution can benefit your business, please reach out to us today.

Email Us
or phone on +27 21 556 3524.

And, please do follow us.