Tag Archive for: cybercrime


Oh, the joys of sitting down and enjoying a sip of your favourite drink whilst you wait for the fish to bite! “Open your eyes, yes, you!” No, we are not really fishing; however, and ironically, if you do not open your eyes and become more aware of another form of fishing, you will not be having a good time at all.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a form of cybercrime where a target or targets are contacted by email, text, or telephone by someone posing as a legitimate institution. Their goal? To lure individuals into handing over sensitive data such as personal or company identifiable information, passwords, credit cards, and banking.

How to be more aware of Phishing?

  1. Phishing emails and text messages often look like they are from a company or individual you know and trust. You may have seen emails where it appears to be from your bank requesting information from you. These are the most dangerous;
  2. Phishing emails and text messages often come with a lengthy explanation encouraging you to click on a link or open an attachment. If it seems at all odd, do not open or click;
  3. They often tell you that they have noticed suspicious activity or log-in attempts against your account (which is the ultimate eye-blind), and want you to confirm your personal information so they can help you;
  4. Phishing emails will often include a fake-looking invoice which you immediately want to click on;
  5. Some phishing emails or messages will tell you that you have qualified to receive a government refund;
  6. The email may offer you a coupon where you can receive free stuff.


What steps to take to protect yourself and your business against phishing attacks

  1. Before clicking on anything, first, contact the third party with the contact details you usually use. Then, validate if they sent you any emails or SMSs that requires personal information;
  2. Educate yourself and your staff about the dangers of phishing attacks. Teach them how to recognise these emails and messages (we run a fantastic Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program);
  3. Protect all your computers by using updated and automatic security software;
  4. Look after your mobile phones by ensuring you have the latest and automatically-updating software;
  5. Safeguard all your online accounts by upgrading to multi-factor authentication. This is where two or more credentials are needed in order to log in, and this could be a password married with a pin code or for phones, often a fingerprint or face recognition software. Multi-factor authentication deter scammers from logging in to your accounts;
  6. Back up your data on all devices. Make sure those backups are cloud-based and not linked to your home connection. (Dropbox and OneDrive are not backup solutions)

If you are at all unsure or suspicious about a possible phishing attack, please do reach out and let us assist you.

For more about what we are about and what services we offer, do reach out to us by heading on over to our about and services pages or simply giving us a call on +27 21 556 3524.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Complete IT Business Solutions family.